An alternative Dublin guide for tourists, written by a native. It is not intended to be a comprehensive tourist review but somewhere to find the best expert information about alternative Dublin. It contains detailed information and advice about Dublin's attractions, people, history, transport, music, culture, sport and night life. Additionally, you will find Irish facts, trivia, links and sayings. Join the free newsletter and get advice on hotels and B&Bs with a monthly acommodation update including an exclusive topical article and occasional features about fun tips and advice. subscribe to free newsletter here.


Dublin is situated on the River Liffey (An Life), which is a beautiful, crystal clear stream at its

dublin river liffey night lights

source in the hills of County Wicklow and a brown, treacle-like substance at its entry into Dublin Bay. The medieval city was situated quite close to the mouth of the river on the south side (now near Trinity College); the early settlers were responsible for dividing the future pattern of the city into an almost tribal north-south divide. The commercial centre is mainly located on the south side including the Central Bank, although some of Dublin's finest buildings are on the north side such as the Custom House, the Four Courts and the Rotunda Hospital.

Great fun tip: As a visitor the most important item to possess is a TFI Leap card which enables you to hide your ignorance of the Euro coinage system, skip queues by entering the bus on the right-hand side of the door and ride any bus which comes along (with the exception of certain peak-hour services). They are excellent value too and it is possible to make serious incursions into Dublin's wonderful city providing you are armed with a route map. You can request it it posted to your mailing address for free. See Train, tram and bus for more.

Time-saving advice: You can buy the Leap card mentioned above when you arrive at the airport; however, the tourist information oftens gets busy and you have to wait your turn for service. In the airport's T1 carpark foyer, Wrights shop sells them.

Great extreme tip: send a free 'live' postcard during your visit - details on this page.

Useful banking tip: Most banks in Ireland do not open until 10am and close at 3 or 4pm. You can now check opening hours on their websites (search for "Bank of Ireland" or "Allied Irish Bank"). Many regional banks even close for lunch

Top advice: Dublin people often use an informal name for a street or road such as "James' Street" If you can't find it in an index, try putting a "Saint" or "St." before it.

latest additions 1 January 2024 >


You might also like to check out momondo’s Dublin Guide for travel inspiration.

Dublin's Airport is situated about 12 miles from the city centre to the north; at present there is no rail connection to the city. Taxis [cabs] can be expensive, although worth it for 4 people - but the taxi driver is usually a reliable source of betting tips, Gaelic and soccer information, who's in town, Dublin acommodation and, most of all, traffic congestion and its solutions. There are also express coaches and for a more cultural and enlightened journey, try the ***No. 16 or 41 stopping bus which is the cheapest and longest route to the centre (keep that wallet hidden!). More travel details here.

Great driving tip: If you're driving a car from Dublin airport and heading to the south or south-west of Ireland, you will use the M50 and Westlink toll bridge. A car costs a few euros but you need to pay at the e-Flow website, or at a PayZone outlet by 8pm the next day. Some hire cars include free tolls - ask the agent. More tips >

Great fun tip: Huib Zegers sensibly recommends buying bus passes at the airport or at Dublin Bus on O'Connell Street - good comment Huib and many thanks! Bus & rail price details here.

Great saving tip: If you need to check e mails and the internet, many public libraries offer PCs with free access. The cheapest web cafes are on Talbot Street (near Busarus, the bus station) where they typically charge over an euro per hour! An alternative is to buy a Leap card if you're exploring and surf on Dublin Bus for free!

Most of the material has been written by myself and is therefore copyright; if you discover material that is copyright please inform me and I'll remove or acknowledge it. Material is presented in good faith and I am not responsible for its accuracy. The material in this web site is suitable for all ages! We do not use cookies. Read this page if you would like to consider a reciprocal link .

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Peter Scott © 2001-25

Insiders guide to hidden Dublin

Dublin guide

Dublin by foot

Dublin nightlife

Send a free postcard

Sayings and customs

Hidden pubs

Irish facts

River Poddle

Train, tram and bus

Dublin music

Hidden bookshops

Avoiding McDonalds

Links and trivia

Irish sport


Dublin cycling

Homer O'Simpson

Rail enthusiasts

James Joyce pubs

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dublin river liffey night lights