Hidden Dublin: Bookshops 1 2 3

Unfortunately, one of my favourite bookshops, Greenes, 16 Clare Street (a continuation of Nassau Street), closed its doors for the last time in early June 2007. This is a lesson to anyone interested in Dublin bookshops - support your local shops because higher rents and the economy mean they are slowly going out of business. Please patronise all of the other shops mentioned on these pages, particularly the independent shops. They really depend upon your support, both financially and morally. Dublin is a great literary capital - help to keep it that way!

Irish first editions, maps and other antiquarian fare is well catered by Cathach Books (Tel: 671 8676; Fax: 671 5120) who may be found at 10 Duke Street, between Grafton Street and Dawson Street. They have a new website with search facility at www.rarebooks.ie and maintain a mailing list. You are assured of a very warm welcome and expert advice from the Mac Cuinneagain [Cunningham] family.

Georges Arcade, off South Great George's Street, has two second-hand booksellers; Stokes Books, (Tel: 6713584) and Larrys (Tel: 6711540). The former specialise in Irish and antiquarian books and the latter tends to stock novels. They can be combined with a visit to the above-mentioned Dandelion books - only five minutes up the road.

Alas, Dandelion Books is out of business but has an admirable replacement in the nearby The Secret Book and Record Store, 15A Wicklow st 2 Dublin. They speciliase in various unusual and second-hand books (many thanks to Fiona for the tip).

On the way to: St Patrick's Cathedral.

If you require information on socialism and socialist books, then go to Connolly Books at 43 Essex St. East in Temple Bar (Tel: 6711943). They stock a good range of new and secondhand books and are always happy to help paying customers of every political persuasion!

Allan Figgis used to co-own and run Hodges Figgis, still in Dawson Street. He now has his own shop called Allan Figgis in Rathmines and it's worth the short bus journey [no. 15s] to Rathmines Road.

Another dealer in antiquarian books is Eamonn de Burca at 'Cloonnagashel', 27 Priory Drive, Blackrock, Co. Dublin (Tel: 288 2159). They specialise in Irish books and this is another place to request books concerning genealogy. Their website is www.deburcararebooks.com. NEW

Near: Blackrock DART station.

For Dublin music shops see Dublin music.

< Bookshops 1 | Bookshops 3 >

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