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Tony's story (part 1)

Having read Insiders Guide to Hidden Dublin by Peter J.D. Scott and having emailed Peter with a suggestion for an Expats page, he thought it would be an excellent idea to write my Irish memories as I know a lot of Irish people get home sick as do I after all these years in England. I’m not knocking England - far from it as given me and my family a place to live to make new friends and above all a place to work, so in a way I owe England a lot. I am grateful and I believe that you should pay due obedience to the laws of any state which is your place of residence and affords you its protection.

I made my way into this World on the 4th day of March in the year of our Lord 1950, I was one of four sons born to Patrick and Christina Ward (nee Humphreys), one of the oldest families in the Liberties of Dublin. Our ancestral place and my place of birth in the Liberties was Francis Street. Later we moved to Mourne Road in the parish of Drimnagh in the early 50s. I had an excellent childhood playing with my three brothers and three sisters counting me and Mum and Dad was a total of nine. We had a small three bedroomed house on the ever expanding south side of Dublin. I remember as a child having to 'top and tail' to get a good night's sleep. I am sure that a lot of people not just from Dublin would have done the same thing especially if their family was large like ours. My earliest childhood memories was going to pick blackberries with my Father and on other occasions with the rest of the family to a place called Tallaght, then it was mostly countryside but now the place has exploded into a thriving metropolis. In those days it was called the overspill from the city - I suppose they had to put people somewhere and it was as good a place as any.

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