YOU ARE HERE: LUAS TIPS 02 Zones divide each Luas line and you need to know how many you cross before buying a ticket (unless you buy the Flexi- or Combi- tickets. Remember that some stations share zones; for example, Heuston mainline rail stop straddles zones Central 1 and Red 2, and you can therefore choose the least amount of zones traversed, ie., ONE zone. Museum on the Red line to Dundrum (Green line, zone Green 2 and Green 3) is TWO zones; if you went from Museum to Ballally (Green 3), you would need a ticket for THREE zones. Trams run every 7-10 minutes during the day, with 4 minute intervals in peak times. If the tram is too crowded, then wait a few minutes for the next one. If you have driven to a park-and-ride station, you must pay for your parking. The car parking machines are located on or near the Luas platforms but before you sprint off to get a ticket, remember the number of your parking bay (written on the ground). Like Irish rail and bus, Luas season tickets can be discounted against your tax if you are a regular commuter. For tourists, Luas opens the possibilities for cheaper and accessible accommodation in Dublin's suburbs. < previous | next >