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| < previous | next > More great offerings from Gerry Moore of Dublin - thanks pal! - head case = someone who goes over the top sometimes, it can be used in a negative or positive form depending on the incident
- it's your shout = phrase to reminding a friend its his turn to shout at the barman for the next round of drinks/or the tides gone out = an empty glass
- penny for your thoughts = asking someone what they are thinking
- he's a bit of an odd ball = describes a person who is a little strange and to be wary of
- ayarite = said quickly, simply means are you all right, ready to to do something or go somewhere. dubliners seem to have a knack for condensing 4 or 5 words into one which is what I love so much about being a dub!
A great new batch from Gerry Moore from Dublin and more next week: - he's a good oul skin = someone who's trustworthy
- he would take the milk out of your tea/he would take the eye out of your head and come back for the other one = (describes some one who cannot be trusted without ripping you off)
Conan, from the newly-declared Peoples Independent Republic of Tallaght (Dublin) send this: - I'll bate (beat) the be-jaysis out of ya! = you can start running now
Here's a lovely Irish saying from new contributor Conor from Ireland: - That's your weather for ya now! = This is exclaimed as a statement of fact only on one of those rare good/sunny days in Ireland. It can be used as a greeting or acknowledgement by by-passers.
A class posting from Ian Watson living in Canada, although he says it came from his grandad who was English: - something isn't big/strong/fast/etc enough to flag a wheelbarrow = it is substandard or not much use
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Hidden Dublin: Archived sayings 6