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  • "Howya" [note that there is no question mark here] = Hi, hello, morning/afternoon, etc.
  • It doesn't mean "How are you?" under any circumstances and you should never, never answer with a long explanation about your aching back, acne, sore nose or piles!
  • "Ah sure, grand thanks", "Great thanks", "great form", "Not a bother thanks" etc. = Very well, etc; always answer in the affirmative. If you're feeling a bit under the weather, then you may say "fine thanks".
  • "How's things?" OR "How's the form?" [country = "How's she cuttin'?"]= How is life with you at the moment? [Note the use of the wrong tense. The country expression reflects the interest in your agricultural machinery!]. The "form" is probably a reference to the printer's forme, the structure which kept hand set type in place. NEW
  • "Not a bother, thanks" = Excellent/good/fine
  • "Are ya keeping well?" = How is your form/health -BUT you must answer positively!
  • "Can't complain..." = Well, you don't want to hear my problems anyway...!



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Guest sayings

Anna (Clontarf, Dublin; now Yorkshire):

would you look at the time and not a child's face in the house washed!

Jan in Worthing, West Sussex, kindly sends this - she heard it from a Dub some years ago:

s/he/it is/was "desperate" = not quite up to scratch, a chancer (and often used in an affectionate way - a desperate man).

(Anon, Ireland): I'm nailed to the floor = I'm very busy

A bird never flew on one wing = I will have another drink, thank you...

Irish responses and examples of spoken usage

Dublin guide

Dublin by foot

Dublin nightlife

Send a free postcard

Sayings and customs

Hidden pubs

Irish facts

River Poddle

Train, tram and bus

Dublin music

Hidden bookshops

Avoiding McDonalds

Links and trivia

Irish sport


Dublin cycling

Homer O'Simpson

Rail enthusiasts

James Joyce pubs

Questionnaire & quiz




