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Hurling (15 a side) or Camogie (similar game for ladies)

This game is another Irish field game and argubly one of the most skilful and fast ball games in the world. The ball is a small leather stitched ball, not unlike the size of an American rounders ball. Players carry a long stick (sliotar) with a wider, oval-shape at the end away from the grip. The ball may only be collected from the ground with the stick and may then be carried, struck with the stick or hand to a team mate. Tackling is similar to football - a shoulder movement towards your opponent. One of the most exciting sights in Irish sport is the collection of the ball by a hurler running forward with his back to the direction of the ball!


Handball (played individually or in pairs)

The ball is rounders-shaped and this game is played in a purpose-built alley, not unlike a squash court but normally outdoors. The palm of the hand is used to strike the ball against the wall. Another skillfull game, our school used to have a handball court which was not rebuilt when the school moved to the suburbs.



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