These images show details of Dublin's Luas towards the end of heavy construction. Two of the main infrastructural projects may be seen; Suir Road bridge on the red lline and Charlemont station over the Grand Canal on the Green line. The latter is one of only two elevated stations on the system, the others being Ranelagh on the Green line (being the next southbound station). Click on any thumbnail in order to see full size and a brief description. Pictures taken from Oct 2003 - June 2004.


< Luas thumbnails 3 | photos index | Luas thumbnails 5 >


34. Charlemont access

32. Towards Kilmacud

33. Charlemont


35. Suir road bridge

36. Davitt road

37. Sandyford depot

40. Nr Nine Arches

38. Sandyford depot

39. Charlemont (June 04)


Hidden Dublin: Luas thumbnail pictures 04

Dublin guide

Dublin by foot

Dublin nightlife

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Sayings and customs

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Irish facts

River Poddle

Train, tram and bus

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Avoiding McDonalds

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Dublin cycling

Homer O'Simpson

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