Guest sayings

Frances (Ireland): to go on the lock/ on the razz/ go out and get langered = to go out on the town/drinking, usually getting pretty drunk while youre at it!

Pat Whelan (Dublin): you will on your arse = not if I have any say in it

Siobhan Whelan (Tipperary):

Sure I wouldn't give him the drippins off me nose = disliked person

Sean (Dublin): Up the pole = pregnant, usually by accident. Sean adds that in Sean O'Casey's day and in Brendan Behan's day it meant, off the drink.

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  • "Ah, sure the job is right and the ships name is Murphy!" = A good job well done (many thanks to Bridget from Dublin for this).
  • "There's no flies on you" = you're quick aren't ya or well done(thanks again Niamh)
  • "I didn't come up the Liffey on a bicycle" = I'm not stupid/thick!
  • "He's made a hames of it" = He has made a mess of something
  • "Can I pick your brains?" = Will you help me with a (mental) problem?! It sounds like an chat-up line for a cannibal!
  • "He/she's havin' the life of Reilly..." = Having a great time! But who was Reilly?! Nicholas Daley refers me to worldwidewords which gives an older meaning than the TV show answer below.
  • Richard Doyle tells me that the "Life of Reilly" was a U.S. TV show starring William Bendix. But which came first - the saying or the TV show?! Thanks, Nicholas and Richard. NEW
  • "Is that your mott?" = Is she your girlfriend? Many thanks to Bridie from Dublin (Now living in Manchester) for this.
  • "It's a filthy day..." It is horrible weather, usually involving driving rain!
  • "You're wantin..." [said to a child] Your mother (or sometimes father) requires you urgently! It doesn't mean you (yourself) needs something!
  • " and whose army?" a response to a threat
  • "Gerrout and milk it!" = [Get out and milk it] an insult shouted to a slower moving vehicle on the road. Yet another saying with agricultural overtones!
  • "Fair play to ya" = Well done, good job, good on (for) you, etc
  • "Game ball" = a positive acknowledgement
  • "You're the hard..." = You are a great man/I'm impressed with you, etc
  • "I wouldn't touch it/him/her with a bargepole!" = Keep well clear of it/him/her! Barges were common in Victorian Dublin, carrying goods along the Royal and Grand canals as well as the important branch to Guinness. The pole was used to manouevre the boat and was relatively long

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