Dublin's city wall remains

St Kevin's church rermains

Charles Stewart Parnell statue, Dublin

Rivers Liffey and Poddle, Dublin

German war cemetery, Glencree, Wicklow

Sculptures representing famine victims

St Kevin's arch, Dublin 8

Detail of German war cemetery, Glencree


The images below depict both modern and ancient Dublin (and Wicklow). The medieval artefacts, the city walls and St Kevin's church, represent Dublin's past. The River Poddle, arguably the most authentic and ancient of the relics, is apposite since it is both hidden and particularly related to Dublin. The German war graves at Glencree are a must-see for anybody interested in the Second World War. Click on any thumbnail in order to see full size and a brief description. (24 March 2003). They depict an alternative and diverse Dublin to that promoted by the usual tourist authorities.



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Hidden Dublin: thumbnail pictures 02

Dublin guide

Dublin by foot

Dublin nightlife

Send a free postcard

Sayings and customs

Hidden pubs

Irish facts

River Poddle

Train, tram and bus

Dublin music

Hidden bookshops

Avoiding McDonalds

Links and trivia

Irish sport


Dublin cycling

Homer O'Simpson

Rail enthusiasts

James Joyce pubs

Questionnaire & quiz




